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Showing posts from June, 2018

Can You Really Travel for FREE?

There are very important reasons why the Travel  Industry is looking for reliable Travel Coordinators. One of the major reasons is 'International Travel Safety' has become a major concern. The Travel Industry has long since provided a way to help Americans Travel more safely. Again, this is an ancient old method of travel. Even the wagon trains traveling west were not exempt from this method. Group Travel Agencies are looking for Travel Addicts; I mean Coordinators all the time. I guess you are wondering why a Travel Agency would be looking for Travel Coordinators? Most people would say that would be the job of a Travel Agent. Wrong! Most Travel Agents do not travel that often. They are busy booking travel for their clients. They loose money every time they leave their office or computer. Its the Travel Coordinators that travel often. Travel addicts are the people who arrange their life to accommodate last minute travel. Travel addicts usually will pay the r...

How Important Is Social Media in the Hotel Industry?

Social media is one of the most powerful forces driving the hotel industry today, playing a key role in the consumers travel experience from planning their trip to posting photos, updates and reviews of their vacation. The hotel industry depends heavily on word-of-mouth and the spread of opinions, and social networks provide the ideal platform for this. 81% of travelers said reviews were important when choosing a hotel.  70% of consumers said travel reviews had the biggest impact on their purchasing behavior.  43% of hoteliers believe that social media produces some of the highest ROIs.  40% of travelers post reviews.  38% of U.S. travelers use social networks to share their experiences while traveling. Social sharing has a huge influence on travel bookings. Of those who used sites like Facebook, Twitter, TripAdvisor, Google+ and LinkedIn to research travel plans: 52% changed their original plans.  33% changed their hotel.  10% ...